Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mass Society is a social theory that evolved during the 20th century in the modern society, and it was associated with the industrialization process which became rampart due technology advancement. Since social order is unavoidable, the mass society is created through herding people into organizations. The 20th century has led to varied transformation in the political, economic and social structures, as well as in communication system  (Findley and John 2011, 18).  The mass society led to prosperity and a system of government, which weakened the tradition societal tie. The first two decades of the 20th century was the time of intense and rapid changes that stretched to the capacity of imagination. This is because of increased technology advancement; contributing to varied developments in the arts and many other aspects. Thus, the essay focuses on the major developments that took place due to modernity in the first two decades of the 20th century.

The mass society led to major developments in varied aspects including arts and cultural aspects. The science and technologies grew rapidly in pervasiveness, scale and time; thus transformed the natural world into created human control. For instance, many artists started implementing unique artifacts including unique interior and exterior of the buildings, renaissance paintings  and many others. The technology that comprised this new era included computer technology that enabled the society to make varied changes through interaction process. For instance, the Internet and social media services enabled the societies to culiturally interact and learn one another’s cultural behaviors through a common sharing of language; thus creating a global village.  Duiker and Jackson (2011, 86) argue that the two decades of 20th century saw their tasks through making sense of the great transformation and understanding the new culture and societies being created.

Modernity refers to the Enlightenment period and movement from traditional to modern era, which is linked to the increased capitalism in the society. The term modernity in the Enlighten era reflected varied changes that took place including new construction of buildings, new way of painting artifacts including sculptures and many others. Modernity reflected the new wave from the traditional aspects to new era, which is associated with movement in arts, cultural movements and other varied transformations to western society.  Radcliff (2004, 92) argues that modernity in the 20th century reflects new movements and transformation of varied things from traditional to current ones. The term can be coined with westernization to include changes and progression era from traditional to current due to influence from the westerners. 

Additionally, modernity is viewed from cultural changes in social, political and economic structures. However, scholars focus this term from a far perspective to include changes in modern science, arts and many other aspects. Modernity demands deeper and more radical changes in order to create a better world. According to  Rosati (2013, 56) and Scott, modernity takes place through rapid rationalization, which is linked to actions of mankind to create resourceful order of means to meet their demanding desires. Therefore, modernity in the 20th century period took into consideration significant changes in the society such as new political power, social changes and economic changes. This was aided by industrialization period that was rampart due to increased technological advancement; thus innovation became the primary fact of life.

Naturalism and realism are the responses from Romanticism but they are not comparable to it in influence. Realism became dominant in literature in the U.S during the earlier 20th century. Realism attempts to present things they way they are; hence it tries to reveal the truth of things. For instance in art, realism approach was manifested in numerous ways; thus it was mostly used to describe certain art objects. The term implies a criticism of social conditions and also tends to reveal the fiction from non-fiction aspects. In art, realism attempts to reveal realistic features in the artifacts, but this have been manifested in deferent ways at different times.  The term realism as used in describing the work of art has often attempt to reveal the ugly art objects as opposed to the beauty objects on the way they are presented. Although, it is frequently used to describe scenes of humble life and the way artistic present different artistic features in the current society  (Meecham and Julie 2004, 121). However, unlike realism, naturalism focuses on the new styles and logical expressions of art features in the unique styles from that of the old ones. This term was implemented by Emilie Zola who was seeking to strike the platform by convincing the society about getting something, which is new and modern in invention. Naturalism in art violates the traditional aspects and focuses on producing artistic features which are natural.

However, these arts critique the direction of a Modernist America, in terms of what has been called Anti-Modernism. The anti-modernist attempts to critique these arts by arguing that they are confusion of art materials. This is because people in the current society no longer know the way of distinguishing the cosmic connotation of wood, iron or other aspects of art features because they do not understand the qualities of colors or their forms.  For instance, stone has in its common been identified with iron as being cold and also implacable, whereas wood described as warmly and kindly. In the neutralism, this approach have been criticized and prejudiced as an approach that can reduce art simply and solely to imitate nature. However, the observation of nature may well coincide with cultural or traditional artifacts or symbolical aspects as proved by the traditional artifacts such as the Egypt Pyramids, ancient mosques and religious building; thus objects of such kind are fundamentally intellectual.

Moreover, the above issues continue to present themselves in the current society because many of the spiritual symbolism are created in a naturalistic form and the notability of their styles purely relies on psychic artistic resources. For instance, the agreement of a picture is only lawful in case it does not abolish the artwork and outward model. Many people in the current society attempts to produce artifacts which are more naturalistic than realistic. The legitimate of the normative art in the current society attempt to combine the intellectual observation of nature with spiritual intention and physical nature depending on the symbolism nature of the work. For instance, the Michelangelo artistic works were well praised because these artistic features had great appearance and he employed unique styles of creating art paintings and architectures. However, many of the modern artists have attempted to employ traditional artwork styles, but incorporating them with the modern styles in order to make them superior.  


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