The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model is one of the widely know theories of motivation employed in many organizations. The theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943 when he came up with the concept of human motivation in the work place. This theory is parallel to the development psychology of human beings that is described in varied stages of growth. Maslow saw that human needs are in a form of a hierarchy ascending from the lowest needs to the highest needs; thus he concluded that when human being’s needs are satisfied, thus this type on needs ceases to be a motivator. Therefore, Maslow places the significant human needs in a hierarchy manner and in ascending order. The Maslow’s hierarchy is also described in stages starting from the self actualization needs, esteem needs, affiliation needs, security or safety needs to the physiological needs (Koontz and Weihrich (2006, p. 290). The Maslow model is a theory of personality, which has influenced many people in the working organizations because the model illustrates many realities of personal experiences.
I worked in a Peugeot Company in Nigeria from May 2011 to September 2011; thus I personally have applied this theory in the Peugeot Company. I can recognize some features of much experience or behaviors, which is true and similar to Maslow theory. This is because when I first joined in the Peugeot Company, my basic needs was to work in order to sustain my life such as get food, water, shelter and warmth. Therefore, I worked hard in order to achieve these basic needs, but once I achieved them, I started working harder in order to safeguard my job. This is what Maslow describes in the second level of his hierarchy as the safety or security needs (Merrick and Maher, 2009). Later on, I started developing sense of affiliation and began socializing with others in order to feel accepted by other co-workers in the organization. Once I started satisfying my needs, I wanted to be held in esteem by other co-workers. This is where I demanded power, reputation and gained self-confidence. Lastly, after I was satisfied by all the foregoing needs, I felt that I am now capable of doing what I was born to do; that is maximizing my potential to accomplish my objectives.
The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was significant in the Peugeot Company where I was working. This is because the model helped leaders to understand better the way of creating workplace conditions through motivating employees to enable them satisfy their needs. I was motivated to work hard; thus satisfied my needs effectively. As I progressed up, I also increased my needs up to self-actualization. Maslow and Carl Rogers emphasized on the significant of self-actualization in the work place, which is the process of growing or developing into another stage in order to achieve individual potential (Ivancevich, Konopaske and Matteson, 2011). In every management level, there should be a need for self-actualization, which is the need for recognition of employees’ needs (Montana and Charnov, 2008). This is especially the desire for quality working conditions, job satisfaction and having good knowledge about the organizational demands.
In my observation, the significant approach that I will adopt in my own practices is motivating people with growth needs. This is through offering them support in order to enable them to complete new tasks, and make work interesting. This is crucial because it will enable employees not only to improve work performance but also satisfy their needs effectively. I will also encourage others to think positively for themselves and keep others informed. This is essential because it is one way of motivating employees; thus enabling them to improve the performance level.
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