Term papers on every academic subject have become easily accessible and available on the Internet. Term papers are rampart online and the research study report indicates that many students use them for completing their research work; thus automatic plagiarism detection is too high for most assignment done by college and university students. Many students work and submit their papers but they defended themselves in varied ways. Although these papers are used by students for research and other academic purposes, many students have become lazy of doing their own research. Cheating and plagiarism have always been the common problem in most of the learning or academic environments. However, the term papers posted on the Internet have played significant roles such as helping students to advance their research writing skills since most of these term papers are done by professional experts. These papers also encourage faculties to modify term paper topics instead of providing students with similar work now and then. Although term papers are helpful, citing or acknowledging the work done by someone else is ethically acceptable because academic dishonesty is high in most academic environments.
There is nothing unethical about the service in general provided by term paper online sites. This is because these sites have also provided many of the unemployed professors the means of living. From the utilitarian ethical perspective theory of John Stuart Mill, the basic principle is that the action, which offers the greatest amount of good over bad or evil are ethically or morally right (Shafer-Landau, 2007). For instance, in case one tells a lie to protect the life of someone from danger, this would be considered as a good ethical choice under the utilitarian ethical theory. In this case, Mill attempts to make it clear that the harm can be less by telling the lie rather than telling the truth and putting the life of someone in danger. This kind of ethics can create many problems and it has been misinterpreted because some people argue in a particular situation that the balance of the goodwill can be the greatest in case a particular action is taken in an effective manner. However, it is not the action that generates the greatest goodwill in a certain situation but rather that action, which generates the greatest goodwill in a society. However, going back to the example of a lie and saving life, it is vital to tell the truth because the truth is less harmful than the lie in the long run.
Additional, there is nothing unethical with term papers services provided online because these papers are posted to help student accomplish their research effectively and also help faculties to modify their term papers rather than providing repeated term papers every time. It can only be unethical in case students can use these term papers without acknowledging the work of other writers or fail to cite since this can automatically lead to plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the greatest offenses and it is one of the greatest academic dishonesty; thus it can contribute to cancellation or discontinuing of a student from the university. From the ethical principal of the right approach by Emanuel Kant, Kant argued that individuals have the right to make their own choices. These choices would be the right to truth, privacy and right not to be injured (Arthur, 2000). Therefore, students have the right to provide academic honest work and term paper providers also have the right to protect their privacy since everyone’s action can impact one another; thus those actions will be viewed as unethical.
On the other hand, term papers posted on the Internet are ethically wrong because they expose or attempt students to academic dishonest because many students do not have time of completing term papers, so they will copy from this online term paper sites. Aristotle and Plato proposed an ethical approach of the common good by arguing that people should act according to the common good which benefits the society (Chaffee, 2011). From this approach, everyone would be responsible and take actions that would be beneficial to the community because people’s action may affect the common good of the society. Therefore, both the users, posters, professors or academic institutions should be held accountable. For example, academic institutions should be held responsible because the education system and most of them admit students who have not fully qualified well. The teaching system is also poor and this leaves many students with little or lack of knowledge about conducting or writing effective research or term papers. Educators should encourage students to produce academic integrity work and this is through improving their teaching or education system. Moreover, students are also the ones who should be held ethically responsible or accountable for providing plagiarized work because this is one way of being unethically responsible. Educators should educate students to think critically in order to generate the highest quality and academic honest work. In case a student is lazy, he or she should not even think of applying to the university. Parents pay school fees for their children so tutors should encourage them to work hard in order to become citizens in the future.
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