For the last decades, Smartphones operating system safety have been spotted over blog posts and other publications. Over the last 5 years, with the innovation of windows pone 7, Android and iOS, the research have also been published in the academic sphere on individual security mechanism across the platforms. Egners, Marschollek and Meyer (2012, p.3) reveal varied challenges that Smartphone users have encountered for the last decades including threat to security, which arises due to disruption and modification of the user data. The apps have been subjected to malware practices; thus their activities are limited to local information accessibility via address book, short messages and data transmission networks.
Moreover, the threats against security for Smartphones have tremendously increased for the past decades. The attacks are rising every year because of increased hacking against technology. The research survey report carried out in 2008, revealed that about 160, 000 portable devices were subjected to security risks because of low-tech solutions (Egners, Marschollek and Meyer (2012, p. 12). The Smartphone malware practices have become commonly distributed via the application stores, which have poor security. The malware risks mostly occur due to update attack whereby the authenticity applications are later altered to include the malware components. Furthermore, the software acquired directly from web links also distribute a virus known as malvertizing, and this have been the greatest threat to security of Smartphones.
Typically, a common form of malware practices, which have become also the greatest threat to Smartphone, is the additional software instalments that target communication system, information privacy and personal identifying information. For instance, in the year 2010, the first malicious activities on Smartphone were detected. The fake operating system known as the SMS Trojan was discovered, which had already infected varied devices that utilized that operating system. Egners, Marschollek and Meyer (2012, p. 14) argue that the number of Android malware practices increased to 76 percent by the year 2011. It was noted that the Android malware practices, which acts as a spyware increased from 40% during the year 2009 to 72 % during the year 2010 because of SMS Trojans. The research study conducted on the security issues revealed varied treats to security in the Smartphone enterprises (Winder 2011, pr.5). Although Smartphones have been among the leading mini-computers, they have created potential havoc and exposed many companies to risks. The issue behind maintain security of Smartphones is rhetoric because of the increased security threat, which is rising every day. The biggest threats to Smartphone security include the information theft, new malware activities, wireless attack virus, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi security threats; thus, organizations should put security policies for accessing corporate information.
Despite the high rate of Smartphones security threats, there is need for future security advancement for Smartphones. This is because the malware practices continue to rise due to increased technology advancement. Therefore, the future importance and effectiveness of Smartphone security exploits can reduce security vulnerabilities. One of the effective ways of security exploits is device-based Smartphone application vulnerability exploitation. Thus, vulnerabilities should be overcome through authentication and session management (Winder 2011, pr.6). For instance, the company can reduce password complexity issues through restricting usability and test the authentication mechanism to avoid future security risks. It is also significant to use biometric security and cognitive fingerprints; and these are among the new exploits that will make Smartphones more secure.
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