Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In today’s current society, shopping plays an essential part of many individuals’ lives. Shopping is regarded recreation by some and others consider it an emotional outlet. There are some shopping habits that help us use money wisely while others wreck one’s budget. The first thing to do before going for shopping is to acknowledge how much one has and plan for it. Just as, the saying goes, "When it comes to money, everyone is of the identical religion."

Worst/ Wise shopping habits
The first worst shopping habit is window shopping. When one sees a product in the display, then they get attempted to purchase. In a time of weakness, one can make an unnecessary dent into the budget. So if, window shopping is actually a cause of relaxation for an individual, go window shopping without credit cards or cash. Carrying lots of cash make one feel like he/she has the liberty to spend all the cash on items that are not essential. If one walks around with less money, then the chance of getting tempted to spend is low. People who do not plan ahead fall victims of poor shopping habits. One should admit that there is a need for a budget. The higher probability of spending a lot of money when one has a budget is low.

The need to adopt wise shopping habits is necessary. Some of them include; comparing prices on shopping applications. This helps one check prices of a particular product as priced by various stock shops. This will guide one to go for better prices. Also, one can make use of double coupon offers in order to stock what he/she requires periodically. It helps save lots of cash in the long-run. Another vital technique is checking the receipt. Always pay more interest in the receipt to ensure there are no overcharges. Finally, testimonials and reviews may come in handy. However, one should take note to do this from credible and unbiased sources.

As noted earlier shopping is highly critical. At a personal level, I utilize both budgeted and non-budgeted spending. Budgeted spending is done on a monthly basis. It comprises of those items that are subject to last much longer. These include new brands that I want to try especially.

Then there is the unbudgeted spending. This comprises the things purchased on a daily routine. Such include a loaf of bread and a packet of milk at least every morning or whenever I receive visitors that I did not anticipate. Even though these are unbudgeted spending, they are highly beneficial. But some are not. For example, buying snacks after school.  In the past few years economic times have been hard and so I have learnt to make maximum use of what I buy. Nothing goes to waste. This ensures I make most of what I have at my disposal.

As much as some products are anticipated for, others are impromptu. For instance, when hanging out with friends on weekends then they indulge in buying snacks, am also tempted to buy. At times I come across a designer cloth and it was not in my budget but if I got cash with me then I purchase it. I remember buying a computer. This is a buy once item. It will serve its purpose for some time. There are commodities that are can only be used ones like a packet of milk. The biscuits I just bought in the morning are no more. Sugar is only used ones and never reusable so when the packet I bought last week is over, then I will have to buy another.

One can always learn to spend wisely. By accounting for every penny spent, he/she is able to monitor their pockets. Budgeting spending is more advocated for rather than impromptu style. Every little thing should always be planned for prior to its purchase.


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